At 10,810 residents, the Office of Financial Management ranks Lincoln County 35th of 39 counties in Washington State.
Lincoln County, as a percent, had a much older age demographic than the state or nation in 2017.
Lincoln County’s population age 65 and older was 25.2 percent in 2017 compared to the state’s 15.1 percent.
The youngest age group, under 5 years, was 5.1 percent in 2017 compared to the state’s 6.2 percent.
Within Lincoln County, there is less diversity than the state. White persons who are not of Hispanic descent made up 94.2 percent of the county’s population compared to 79.5 percent of the state’s population.
Over the period 2012 to 2016, 91.3 percent of individuals age 25 and older were high school graduates. This figure is higher than that of Washington state (90.6 percent).
Over the same period, fewer Lincoln County residents 25 and older have attained a bachelor’s degree or higher (22.0 percent), compared to the state (33.6 percent).
Of the multiple communities in Lincoln County, eight are recognized by the US census. These communities are
Almira (population: 275)
Creston (population: 225)
Davenport (population: 1715, largest, and County Seat)
Harrington (population: 415)
Odessa (population: 906)
Reardan (population: 575)
Sprague (population: 440)
Wilbur (population: 890)
These communities account for approximately half of the County population. The rest of the population (5,370) either lives on farms or ranches or in unincorporated areas including the communities of Seven Bays, Lincoln, and Hanson Harbor along Lake Roosevelt, and Edwall, Lamona, and Irby to the south.
According to Employment Security Department statistics for 2018, Lincoln County had a total civilian labor force of 5,021 and an average unemployment rate of 4.9 percent.
Lincoln County’s unemployment rate fluctuates throughout the year, reflecting seasonal employment, with lows in September or October and highs in January or February.
Through the first nine months of 2018 the average civilian labor force was 5,021 which compares to 4,974 for the same period in 2017. Increases in the labor force reverse a trend from 2010, of workers migrating out of the county. Good news for county employers.
Lincoln County nonfarm employment averaged 2,720 in the first nine months of 2018 compared to 2,587 for the same period in 2017. In addition to agriculture support services, the top nonfarm job producers are health care; government; education; construction and green waste recovery.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there were an estimated 6,083 housing units in Lincoln County in 2017. Of those units, 4,416 were occupied with the average household at 2.31 persons. The homeownership rate for the period 2013-2017 was 79%, well above the statewide average of 62,7%. The median value of owner-occupied homes is $150,500.